如何從iPhone Backup找回Contacts List
假若iPhone不幸地壞了,你的Contacts List又沒有複製到SIM卡的話,這就大件事了。
通常iPhone是利用iTunes Sync的話,會自動有備份,要從Backup中找出Contacts List,不是正常手段能做到,所以你得靠這個方法。
How to backup Your Address Book from iPhone
Here are the instructions to backup address book from your iPhone to your Windows PC or Apple Mac OS X for free.
Sync your iPhone with iTunes on your computer (either Windows PC or Mac OS X).
On your computer, locate the file 31bb7ba8914766d4ba40d6dfb6113c8b614be442 with extension .mdbackup or .mddata in the following paths:
Windows: %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\[some id]\
Windows XP or lower: %APPDATA% = C:\Documents and Settings\[your username]\Application Data\
Windows Vista/7: %APPDATA% = C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Roaming
Mac OS X: User>Library>Application Support>Mobile Sync>Backup>[some id]
Choose the file you just located:
Choose the output format of your address book
NOTE: there could be some problems on PDF export for non-standard (i.e. Japanese, Chinese, etc) languages
MS Excel
the form and wait for the file to download!
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